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小编:深圳环球教育 0

Part 1

◎ 主题:关于病人和医生在医疗中心的对话

◎ 题型:填空

◎ 新旧题:旧题

1. name: Prestney

2. date of birth: 17th March

3. Address and contact No.: 34 Market Road

4. Race: European

5. citizen

6. type of cards: New Zealand high user

7. former company: castle hill

8. location: north island

9. hours: full-time

10. specialist: sport

Part 2

◎ 主题:关于儿童俱乐部的介绍

◎ 题型:单选+匹配题◎ 新旧题:新题


11. The summer programs are popular with children because

A. The program leaders are young

12. What is the most challenging task for the program director?

B. Hiring the right staff

13. New employees are trained in how to

A. Advise young people

14. To reserve a place on the right program, parents should

C. Apply online

15-20 匹配

15. Elm Camp: F. learning about plants

16. Maple Camp: E. taking care of animals

17. Willow Camp: G: learning to cook

18. Cedar Camp: D. in a musical group

19. Birch Camp: C. taking lessons from a writer

20. Pine Camp: A. acting in a play


Part 3

◎ 主题:关于尼日利亚非洲艺术的讨论

◎ 题型:单选+多选题

◎ 新旧题:旧题


21. Why they chose the Nigeria African arts for this presentation topic

B. visited exhibitions

22. What kind of sculpture does he like most?

C. people

23. Where did he get money for this field trip?

A. from an art organization

24. What the highlight of this trip that impressed him most?

B. talked to a professor

25-30 多选

25-26. What parts should he make revision for next draft

A. enlarge photos

D. the techniques

27-28. what researches should he spend more time on?

B. additional information about the surrounding

C. beliefs of locals

29-30 what will be more specified in the future?

B. who made the sculptures

D. sources of material

Part 4

◎ 主题:关于橡胶制作流程的介绍

◎ 题型:填空题◎ 新旧题:旧题

31. primitive rubber: it is collected from coconut shell

32. transferred with mould/mold in acid

33. pressed by hand

34. NB is the only machinery in the process

35. then it is dried and smoked in the special room

36. with long traders purchase and trading history


37. Brazilians made rubber for producing balls

38. Europeans invented vulcanization to make rubber sooth, strong and more elastic

39. until the invention of car tires, which boosted the industry

40. synthetic rubber was made and applied in Germany


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