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小编:王冰新 575



题目1: 20130525 Some people believe that cooking at home is wasting time, but others think that fast food restaurants make our life easier and less stressful. Do you agree or disagree?



1. 对个人:是一种物美价廉(reasonably priced)的食物,对年轻来说常觉得好吃上瘾;方便快捷,提高工作效率。

2. 对家庭:是一种及时食用的食物(ready-to-eat food),节约人们的时间(time-saving)和精力(energy-saving),适合独居的人和小家庭。

3. 对社会:是一个庞大的产业链,提供就业和税收。


1. 对个人:包含太多脂肪,盐和糖分,而没有维他命和矿物质,导致健康问题;培养了一种宅的生活方式,可能导致社交孤立。

2. 对家庭: 导致家庭疏远,减少了家庭聚会的机会。

3. 对社会:对传统饮食文化造成冲击。

参考范文(Band 9):

With the ever-accelerated pace of modern life, international fast foods have invaded almost every individual's life. Currently, many regular fast food eaters prefer to eat out in KFC rather than eat traditional foods at home. Some people maintain that the popularization of the fast foods exert a detrimental influence on both families and community. To voice my opinion, fast foods have pros and cons.

Indeed, the downsides triggered by eating too much fast foods should never be ignored. Seen from the personal angle, the family bonds are not as intimate as it used to be if all the family members are in no mood to enjoy family meals. Although cooking at home might be troublesome and time-consuming, it offers unique happiness our lives need and healthy meals our bodies need. On the part of the society, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. In this sense, those regular fast food eaters are doomed to suffer from the decline of health index, consequently, the basic quality of a nation's population will also decline.

Nevertheless, under no circumstances can we lose sight of the immense value of fast foods. For a start, the majority of the city dwellers would rather choose fast good as their staple diet, as life at fast pace does not leave them much time and energy to prepare a sumptuous meal at home after a day's work. Furthermore, it is not objective to believe that all the fast foods are low in nutritional value, actually, many set meals include wholesome ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. To make the final point, western food exerts a peculiar fascination on the younger generation. Meanwhile, KFC or Mcdonald restaurants' well-mannered service and super-cozy environment attract many regular eaters at their leisure time.

Despite the various conveniences fast food brings, modern citizens should be discouraged from over-consuming the fast food for the very sake of their own well-being. Instead, cooking at home and having a balanced diet may serve as an alternative way to achieve the general health and the enjoyment of sharing dishes with family.(368)


invade vt&vi 侵入     exert…influence on sb. 对…产生…的影响    trigger 引发     compose 组成

intimate 亲密的  wholesome 有益健康的

city dwellers 城市居住者    sumptuous meal 丰盛的一餐  staple diet/ food 主食


题目1:20070616 In many countries traditional foods are replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

思路:这种类型的题目要注意和快餐利弊区分开,这里又多了一个对象"traditional food",所以题干里面提到的"This is having a negative effect on families and societies."中的"this"指的是传统食物被国际快餐取代的这件事。因而,我们要把传统食物和国际快餐产生的影响放在families和societies里面做对比!做对比!做对比!(重要的事情说三遍)






In contemporary society, fast food is increasingly popular accompanying with the acc-elerating tempo of people's life. But in the meantime, whether to choose more fast food

or stick to traditional food has became a highly debatable issue. It is obvious that these

two kinds of food vary on many aspects.

Traditional food is beneficial to one's healthy. Using various ingredients and cooking by conventional steps, it is constantly accustomed to local environment; hence traditional meals could fulfill nutritious demands better and keep body balance. They have been lasting for centuries and passed the validation by generations. Moreover, comparing to fast

food, it normally carries culture meaning. For example, on local festivals, special tradition-al food will be prepared and shared by all family members together, which helps to tie up the family bond and preserve local culture. Admittedly, sometimes it is time-consuming

to prepare a traditional meal due to various types of ingredients and complex but necess--ary cooking recipe.

By contrast, it is convenient to eat in the fast food restaurant. They are easy to find

and also you do not need to waste time to wash the dishes fter the meals. Moreover, fast food is made under unified cooking standards and always keeps the same standard even in different cities. Consequently, travelers in an unfamiliar town could easily find their fa-miliar fast food items in familiar shops to eat. This is the reason why fast food becomes

so popular in these rapidly developing metropolises. On the other hand, the selections of fast food is often limited comparing to traditional food and too much oil and salt is used in cooking to improve the tasty to attract more customers. Consequently, it would hurt one's healthy by bringing us illness such as obesity and heart diseases, if we keep eating all day.

Fast food and traditional food have different advantages and disadvantages. People could select which kind of food according to their own requirements, but they should be

aware of the disadvantages of their choice and know how to avoid it.


题目1: 20101211 Scientists say that junk food is harmful to people's health, Some say the way to ask people to eat less fast food is to educate them, while others say education does not work.Discuss both view and give your own opinion.

题目2:In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels health and fitness is decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?



Many children are overweight in developed countries and the situation has been worsening.

Some people think the main reason for this situation is that chidren hace been surrounded by fast food outlets selling unhealthy foods such as cheeseburgers and hot dogs. Almost all fast food items are high in calories, sugar, salt and saturated fat, and are served with a great deal of artificial flavoring. These people believe that if there were fewer fast food outlets, then children would not eat so much fast food.

Others, however, believe that healthy eating habits need to be formed at a young age, long before children begin to visit fast food restaurant. If young children are given chocolate bars and potato crisps instead of nutrious food, they are likely to become addicted to sugary and salty foods, which can last into adulthood.





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