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小编:s 21


  Part 1

  ◎ 主题:关于旅行咨询对话

  ◎ 题型:填空

  ◎ 新旧题:旧题

  1. hotel room with bathroom, TV, has the view of garden

  2. go to private beach

  3. Friday dinner on top roof terrace

  4. Saturday morning: breakfast with a special talking

  5. afternoon: travel to a museum

  6. visit a studio where ornaments made from glass

  7. coach to opera

  8. book a massage

  9. climbing by donkey

  10. barbecue: specially grilled lamb


  Part 2

  ◎ 主题:关于鸟类公园做志愿者

  ◎ 题型:选择+地图

  ◎ 新旧题:新题

  11-15. 选择

  11. The speaker stresses the importance to Clifton Bird park of

  A. Birds that are now endangered

  12. People who volunteer to help with gardening at the park

  B. Need to come at least once a week

  13. According to the speaker, who would be the ideal gardening volunteer

  B. Someone who is willing to work in any weather

  14. Volunteer guides will mainly be working with

  A. International Visitors

  15. What is still required for the maintenance day at the bird park

  B. Transport

  16-20. 地图

  16. Wooden Bridge: F.地图左下角

  17. Observation Tower: H. 地图右下角,池塘南边

  18. Visitor cabins: C. 地图左边,靠近 station

  19. Nesting boxes: E. 地图右边,池塘东边

  20. Boat sheds: B. 地图左上角,池塘南边

  Part 3

  ◎ 主题:关于鞋子研究的讨论

  ◎ 题型:选择+匹配

  ◎ 新旧题:旧题

  21-26 选择

  21. What did they get on the website?

  C. relevant information about their research topics

  22. What did they use as an example?

  C. take apart of old shoes

  23. What else should be considered while designing shoes?

  B. foot movement

  24. How many parts of the essay is the girl going to do?

  B. almost all work of the summary

  25. What should they do next?

  C. answer the questions left by their professor

  26. What help can they get for the supervisor?

  A. where to borrow equipment

  27-30 匹配

  27. summary: F. write in the last part

  28. discussion: D. change to other part

  29. conclusion: E. in simple language

  30. layout: C. give an example/more details

  Part 4

  ◎ 主题:意大利音乐家介绍

  ◎ 题型:填空

  ◎ 新旧题:新题

  31. As well as music, he has written many essays

  32. He has won many awards including one in 2011 for originality in music

  33. Surprisingly, his music often features silence and very soft sounds

  34. Violins often produce sounds which resemble those found in nature

  35. He is seen as a pioneer of music

  36. Sciarrino compares his music to a distant volcano

  37. finished in 1979 and written in memory of a friend

  38. starts with a noise that sounds like thunder

  39. produced by two people moving large pieces of metal

  40. although the music is unusual, it has a traditional structure

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