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小编:Jennifer 290




Some people think children should learn to compete but others think that children should be taught to cooperate. Express some reasons for both views and give your own opinion.

Children is an important task for nations. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree. (2013.01.19)

It is manifest that, by learning to compete with other individuals, children can achieve more success in the future.

值得学习的地方:观点简单明了,主语从句It is adj. that …,而且进行了状语前置by doing sth…。manifest adj. 显而易见的。

I concede the notion that cooperation also plays a vital role in individuals' success.

值得学习的地方:同位语从句。play … role 表演…的角色;concede v. 承认。

The development in one's early stage of life is so vital that free access to professional childcare programs, which are not only about nutrition, for all parents should be available.

值得学习的地方:观点明确。状语从句和定语从句交替使用。vital adj. 重要的=important;nutrition n. 营养。


It is also understandable that working parents are sometimes not in a position to get involved in formal parenting courses, especially fathers who usually are the bread earners and dedicate most of their time to their work and leave little time to their families.

值得学习的地方:观点和例子相结合,并且也是由主语从句和定语从句共同组成的话,但是用逗号隔开,比较容易完成。dedicate to… 献给…。


Nowadays the age at which children start to attend school is becoming younger and younger, some children go to school at the age of four, some people think it is too early for children to attend school earlier while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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