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小编:s 12


  Part 1

  ◎ 主题:关于澳大利亚搬家租房的对话

  ◎ 题型:填空

  ◎ 新旧题:旧题

  1. contact work phone

  2. come from Simerton West

  3. a child almost 3 years’ old

  4. type of accommodation: flat

  5. location: in the north

  6. extra request: close to a park

  7. need a pool

  8. maximum rent: 650

  9. date to move in: 15th December

  10. need to book a hotel


  Part 2

  ◎ 主题:关于煤炭博物馆介绍

  ◎ 题型:填空+多选择+地图题

  ◎ 新旧题:旧题

  11-15 填空

  11. the museum was closed down in the year of 1988

  12. mine museum includes the social and thetechnological aspect

  13. tourists are recommended to take atour underground for 1 hour by the ex-miner

  14. if you do not come, please contact the reception

  15. for a relax, please go to restroom area next to the staff office

  16-17 多选

  16-17. What souvenirs are sold beside the postcards?

  B. clothes

  E. drinks

  18-20 地图题

  B. lecture theater

  A. bookstore

  C. lift entrance

  Part 3

  ◎ 主题:关于包装的讨论

  ◎ 题型:填空+选择

  ◎ 新旧题:新题


  Part 4

  ◎ 主题:关于服装的历史介绍

  ◎ 题型:填空

  ◎ 新旧题:旧题

  31. People were more interested in the gold

  32. In good condition because there was no water

  33. and because it was frozen

  34. Egypt has better climate

  35. It was kipt in a university

  36. Research done in a cave dating back to 700 years ago

  37. Trading pottery and production of agriculture

  38. man are doing something without iron

  39. women produced cloth at home

  40. when silk reached the countries from China


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