小编:环球教育 187但凡对雅思写作评分标准有所了解的考生,都知道:雅思写作从4个不同方面,给大家的作文给出相对权威的分数。如TASK RESPONSE(任务完成程度), COHERENCE AND COHESION(连接和衔接), LEXICAL RESOURCES(词汇资源使用), GRAMMAR ACCURACY AND RANGE(语法的准确性以及多样性)。今天这一讲,小编将跟大家来谈谈比较难提升的词汇资源的使用(Lexical Resources)。
下图,小编截取了大多数考生Lexical Resources较为集中的分数区间(5-8分),跟大家来谈谈考生们在短时间内可以如何做出有效的提升。
TASK 1/2
u uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings
u skillfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation
u produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
u uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
u uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation
u may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation
u uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task
u attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy
u makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication
u uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task
u may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader
不难发现,要想Lexical Resources这一项达到8分也是不容易的。考官要求考生能够流畅和灵活地使用丰富的词汇,且能够大意准确;要求考生能够熟练地使用不常用词汇,可以允许在词语选择和搭配上偶尔会出现错误;要求考生在拼写或者构词方面错误极少。相对来讲,7分的要求会简单的多—在使用过程中,可以允许产生一些错误。而该项评分达到6分会更加容易:使用足够的词汇展开写作任务,尝试使用不常用的词汇,哪怕有时使用不准确;在拼写或者构词方面有错误,但不影响理解即可。纵观这几大分数对于Lexical Resources这项评分的描述,小编认为:考官对于考生的要求主要集中在两个点上:准确性(Accuracy)和多样性(Range)。如何通过这两点来帮助我们斩获分数呢?
在去具体的思考这个问题之前,我们先打一个比方。词汇资源的积累就像游泳:如果你是一个擅长游泳的人,即使你没有什么游泳技巧,是不是还是能够在200M游泳比赛中崭露头角。(如下图1象限)如果你是一个擅长游泳的人,且又掌握了很多技巧,那你是不是更有可能rank the top呢(如下图2象限)?如果你既不会游泳,也不愿意在短时间内获得一些游泳的技巧,那就只能在起点看着别人游到终点了(如下图3象限)。如果你原先不会游泳,但是在短时间内愿意去花时间掌握一些技巧,那么你在游泳比赛中是不是就不会望而却步了呢(如下图4象限)?所以词汇积累也是一样的道理,如果你本身词汇量大到惊人,考试准备时期你不积累也是acceptable的。但是,绝大多数的考生并非如此。因而,短期时间内的积累(提升能力)以及一些技巧是必不可少的。而正如上文所说,雅思写作对于大家的词汇要求是:准确性以及多样性。
Vertical linestands for: Ability
Horizontal linestands for: Strategy
u 准确性(Accuracy)
Task 1(范文为学生习作节选)
The graphs below show the size of the ozone hole overAntarctica and the production of three ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.
Summarise the information by selecting and reportingthe main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The size of the ozone hole stood at its smallest pointat around 400 units in 1980,which showed (使用非限制性定语从句将接下来20年的变化和起点相连,既避免了the size of the ozonehole的重复使用,也增强了数据之间的衔接) a(注意语法的准确性,inverse为原因开头,前面的不定冠词应用an) inverse V-shapedchange with its figure reaching the point at about 2000 units in 1990. Afterthat, it was projected that the value wouldshoot backsoon and experience(此图出现的时间为1980-2000年,为过去时间,时态直接使用一般过去时即可。很多考生在写作时经常出现时态紊乱的错误,这一点也是小作文写作中的“高压线”。考生们在写作时一定要细心,如果出现的均为过去的时间,直接使用一般过去时就好;如果既出现了过去的时间,又出现了将来的时间,则将来时间的部分应使用预测的语气,例如:it is predicted/ projected/estimated that…; the number is likely to increase to/ reach an estimated + 数字in年份) a consecutive raise(形近词的使用要注意,此处应使用rise, growth之类的词,且为名词) when its value approached the top level(也可以改成hit the peak/summit/thehighest point)atabout 3500 units in 2000.
我们暂且不去详细讨论这段是否合乎Task Response的要求,也不去考虑语法的准确性和多样性,我们就单独就词汇资源的准确性来看看(以标红的两个词为例)。e.g.:shoot虽然也有表示上升的含义,但根据牛津字典第八版上的释义,shoot指的是升起,喷出,(植物)发芽,长高,猛增,(物价)暴涨。相信擅长中文的你,不需多言,shootup指的是飙升,猛增,而不是简简单单的上升。同义替换应为increasesharply。而从图上我们看到,1993年到1995年,线条上升幅度较慢,而1995年之后幅度较大。所以,在1993年到1995年之间,建议考生们使用climbback, 而1995年之后描述成shoot up。
考生们在小作文的具体写作中,一定要注意用词的准确性。表示快速上升时,可以用本身含有该含义的词去表达,如shootup, 其本身不需要加任何的修饰词即可表达快速上升的含义;当然也可以用adj.或者adv.来修饰上升或者下降的n.或者v.。详细表达方式见下图:
slide, dip
increase, rise, grow, escalate
decrease, decline, drop, fall, shrink
soar, surge, boom, shoot up, mount up
plunge, plummet
markedly,significantly, noticeably, notably, sharply, violently, dramatically,drastically
modestly,moderately, slightly, gently
Task 2
1. media violence / violence shown in the media 媒体暴力
2. vulnerable 易受影响的(be vulnerable tosth. 易受到…的影响)
3. freedom of press / media freedom 媒体自由
4. celebrity 名人
有名望的 celebrated, prestigious,famous, reputable
5. private life 私生活
6. pornographic shows 淫秽的表演
7. commit violence / violent acts 实施暴力
8. an advertising campaign 广告活动
9. informative / persuasive advertisements 信息性 / 劝说性广告
10. action movies 动作片
11. aggressive behaviour 攻击性行为
12. news media 新闻媒体
13. firsthand information 第一手信息
14. audience rating 收视率
15. hard news重要新闻
16. soft news 娱乐新闻
17. sporting news 体育新闻
18. health express 健康快讯
19. mass media 大众媒体
20. be exposed to 了解到,接触到
例如有些词典软件给出的ordinary people, commonpeople和normalpeople均可指大众,普通人。而实际上,它们当中并不一定都准确。Ordinarypeople用的最为地道,指的是普通大众,芸芸众生。而common则指常见的,common sense的搭配则更为常见。Normal,则通常指的是正常的,正规的,标准的。在雅思写作真题中,考官也偏爱ordinarypeople。例如,《最新雅思高分范文(第7版)》P141中就出现了这样一词。
The environmentalproblems facing today’s world are so great that there is littleordinary people can do toimprove the situation. Government and large companies should be responsible forreducing the damage being done to the environment. To what extent do you agreeor disagree?
u 多样性(Range)
A. 同根词替换
Thecharts below show the spending of a particular UK university in 1981, 1991 and2001.
The pie chartsillustrate how a particular UK university spent his money over the two decadesspanning from 1981 to 2001.
The pie chartsillustrate how the wealth of a particular UK university was spent over the twodecades spanning from 1981 to 2001.
Outsourcing外包,向外获取资源is the practice of obtaining对称 from anindependent supplier a product or service that a company has previouslyprovided for itself.Since a corporation’s chief objective is to realize the highestpossible year-end profits, any product or service that can be obtainedfrom an independent supplier for less than itwould cost the company toprovidethe product or service on its own should be outsourced.
B. 近义词替换
所谓近义词替换,指的是意义相近的词之间可以进行互换。此类词汇,词性相同,替换时可以直接带入。考生们在前期准备时期,需勤查字典,确认一下自己想的那些近义词是否真的准确。例如,上文中我们提到的spending,我们是不是可以用其近义词expenses,expenditure, cost, outlay云云来替换spending的使用呢?这样是不是有更多的替换方式,如:
The pie chartsillustrates the distribution of the expenditure spent by a particular UK university in 1981, 1991and 2001.
C. 上下义词替换
The environmental problemsfacing today’s world are so great that…
Since the lateyears of the 20th century, environmental problems like aircontamination are extremely severe so that…
原先:Advertisements serve nouseful purpose and can even be damaging.
改写后:Advertisements, especiallythose profit-oriented, serve no use and can even exert detrimental influenceon/adversely affect the society.