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小编:深圳环球教育 0



◎ 主题:关于保姆工作介绍的对话


◎ 新旧题:旧题

1.中介介绍学生去 France 做保姆


3. Family name: Kellar

4.应聘者需要会 Driving

5.开车需要大约 2.5Km

6. Have a full day off on Sunday

7. Local popular sport is sailing

8.小镇拥有自己的 club

9.居住时间:6 months

10.further detail: insurance



◎ 主题:关于校园与宿舍介绍的介绍

◎ 题型:多选+匹配题

◎ 新旧题:新题

11-16 多选

11-12. Which TWO things does the speaker say about Bruce County?

B. It has a range of landscapes

D, It is a good region for hiking

13-14. Which TWO things does the speaker say about the history of the area?

A. It was first inhabited by hunter

B. It had a successful port

15-16. Which TWO things does the speaker say about touring the town of Woods Hil!?

B. There are maps at the information offce

e.There are signs to guide visitors to interesting sites

17-20 匹配

17. March Festival:

D.eat freshly made food

18.Lakeside Sundays:

F. see a boat race

19.Salmon Spectacular

A. enter a competition

20.November Festival:

C.see coloured light displays



◎ 主题:学生讨论脚伤治疗

◎ 题型:单选+多选题

◎ 新旧题:新题

21-26 单选

21.A The examples used

22.B It should be kept quite short

23.B Demonstrations of treatment

24.C Some are more serious that others

25.A Focus on a single reason

26.A It is potentially risky

27-30 匹配

27.A massage

28.C rest

29.B weight training

30.D cycling



◎ 主题:关于知名导演介绍电影的介绍

◎ 题型:填空题

◎ 新旧题:旧题

31-40 填空题

31.When compared to painting or music, the movie lacks depth

32. Rely too much on the famous actors

33. Applying techniques of light to cause a positive effect

34. lmpose lasting influence on emotion for some audience

35. People will understand the purpose of the director through plots

36. When compared to character, modern films pay much attention to words

37. His film story resources have two levels, one is drama and the other is a myth

38. Films which are full dreams connecting to journey will inspire the audience

39. All his works have an underline family relationship

40. People will leamn to accept all the life offers


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