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小编:深圳环球教育 0

Part 1
◎ 主题:关于课程咨询的对话

◎ 题型:填空

◎ 新旧题:旧题

1.Saturday morning

2. French cooking class

3. first Tuesday in every month

4. money to buy ingredients

5. a golf club

6. painting class

7. own brushes

8. date of first class: 15th June

9. Room number: J52

10. Parking: next to station

Part 2
◎ 主题:关于公园的介绍
◎ 题型:单选+匹配题

◎ 新旧题:新题

11-14 选择

11. B

12. A

13. B

14. C
15-20 匹配






Part 3
◎ 主题:关于市场营销的讨论

◎ 题型:单选+多选题

◎ 新旧题:新题

21.Why did Portlands ask for help with their marketing strategy?B.Their current approach was unsystematic

22. Why were Amelia and Bryn lucky to be assigned to Portlands?A.The company was very willing to share information

23. What was the most common problem with Portlands' Client database?C.Some complaints were entered more than once

24. What action has Portlands now taken to improve their database?B.They have made arrangements for ongoing maintenance

25. According to the students' survey results, Portlands is appreciated for itsA.customer relations

26. Which aspect of Portlands' marketing literature did the students suggest an improvement to C.the way it used


27-28.Which two disadvantages of SMS marketing do the students think are the most important?

D.the messages have be shortE.the system is subject to regulation

29-30.Which two pieces of advice does the tutor give the students about their presentation?

B.check timings

C.be creative

Part 4
◎ 主题:关于枫糖的介绍

◎ 题型:填空题

◎ 新旧题:新题
31. Night and day temperatures are very different

32. Maple syrup was first used to cook meat

33. Sap collection in spring developed into a tradition

34. Using hot stones to produce steam

35. Removing the layer of ice on the top

36. European settlers put the syrup in various types of medicine

37. When the tax on Caribbean sugar was removed

38. Harvests may be affected by storms and destructive insects

39. Maple syrup is expensive and faces considerable competition

40.It is quite healthy compared with other sweeteners


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