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小编:深圳环球教育 2

Part 1
◎ 主题:关于一位女生找兼职工作的对话

◎ 题型:填空

◎ 新旧题:旧题

1. work in factory

2. Ms. Hitchemer

3. supermarket

4. work in a bakery

5. ARW204

6. or look for handouts in the shop

7. or buy a newspaper

8. or visit an agency

Remember to bring when interview

9. can use a tutor as a referee

10. 填写 feedback form

Part 2
◎ 主题:关于岛屿度假的介绍
◎ 题型:匹配+单选题

◎ 新旧题:新题


11. 正确答案:可以看一个画展an art exhibition(是之前一次活动中一些孩子们画的,这回做成展览了)

12. 正确答案:有一个儿童游乐场children’s playground(这样家长们就可以把娃留在这里,自己去参观其它地方了)

13. 正确答案:为成年人准备的一场比赛a competition for adults(原文里明确强调了如果你年满18岁以上,方才可以参加这个contest)

14. 正确答案:听现场音乐表演live music

15. 正确答案:听关于园艺的讲座a talk about gardening


16. 关于节日门票介绍人说了什么?


17. 本次节日的最后一天,参加者们可以做什么?


18. 对于外国游览者international visitors,本次节日可以提供什么?

正确答案:在本地安排参观游览tour in the local areas(但是需要交一小笔费用)

19. 关于停车场A(car park A)介绍人说了什么?


20. 关于今年印发的导览图programme介绍人说了什么?


Part 3
◎ 主题:关于新西兰海豚的讨论

◎ 题型:选择+匹配题

◎ 新旧题:旧题


21. why people become interested in dolphins?

C. their special organ in head structure

22. which is not affecting the dolphins' population?

B. tourists contact

23. the reason why government established shelter is

A. scientific research evidence

24. Where is the place that holds the most population of dolphins

B. west coast

25-30 匹配

25. common dolphin: D. can be found throughout New Zealand

26. Dusky dolphin: B. swim in large groups

27. Hector' s dolphin: A. swim behind the ships

28. Maul dolphin: E. live only off to the northwest coast

29. Orca dolphin: H. the biggest dolphin

30. Bottlenose dolphin: F. the second-largest dolphin in New Zealand

Part 4
◎ 主题:关于考古挖掘的介绍

◎ 题型:填空

◎ 新旧题:旧题

31. next to a river

32. buildings were constructed by brick(s)

33. in the shape of a triangle

34. currently used for farming, used to be used for military purpose

35. originally built in 1702, destroyed by storm

36. bits of English glass

37. European pottery

38. Gold ring was damaged by fire

39. used for place the trash

40. corn cobs were used for fuel

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