小编:深圳环球教育 27Part 1
◎ 主题:关于电脑保险申报的对话
◎ 题型:填空
◎ 新旧题:旧题
1. Policy number: WXW717435T
2. date of birth: 30th April
3. 电脑价值:560 dollars
5.主要是family use
6. 电脑的keyboard坏了
7. claimed last year: bike
8. 电脑坏的时候,他在train上
9. 电脑放在seat上
10. 需要找售后出一份report
Part 2
◎ 主题:关于两个车站里的区域的介绍
◎ 题型:单选+匹配题(地图)
◎ 新旧题:新题
11. Rocks B
12. Colleen Nature Reserve E
13. Ashington China Factory F
14. Langton forest I
15. What kind of warning does the speaker give to cyclists:
C there may be animals in the way
16. The starting point of Elmsden station is
C. re-opened recently
17 What can people do at the visitor's centre?
A rent a bike
18. To commute between Langton and Elmston by train, you need to
B. go on weekends
19. What should you be aware of when visiting River Elm
A. it takes a long time
20.Where can you get the information if you want to join the local route?
A. the local newspaper
Part 3
◎ 主题:关于新西兰儿童的讨论
◎ 题型:单选+匹配题
◎ 新旧题:新题
21 According to Ruby and Pete, how is this new study different from the earlier NewZ ealand study?
B It covers a wider range of research topics
22What does the study show about the effect of poverty on child development?
A It is less important than people think
23 The students agree that having separate interviews with fathers
C should have been done in previous research
24 When discussing the study's findings about languages, the students are surprised that
B some languages are dying out
25 What do the students say about the government's response to the study?
C It might set up similar studies
26 What do they find impressive about the doctoral research being done?
B the plans to share research findings
Key points
A One parent works from home
B Both parents go to work.
C Grandparents look after the child.
D The parents limit access to technology
E The child is vaccinated
F The parents are older
Research subjects
27 cindy B
28 pita F
29 kali D
30 stewart E
Part 4
◎ 主题:关于篮子与背包的介绍
◎ 题型:填空题
◎ 新旧题:新题
31.plant materials such as grass and flowers
32.As they weave, cultural knowledge is shared among the women through stories
33. The younger generation learn how to choose the right plants in the right season
34. Tough grass is softened using fire before it can be woven
35. Grass can be combined with hair to make it stronger
36.Some are so tightly woven they can even be used to carry liquids such as honey
37.Open-stitch bags were worn around the neck for storing objects when diving
38.Baskets and bags were used for trade with other groups throughout
39. What is my relationship with the environment
40.What are the different ways in which cooperation takes place?