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小编:环球教育 749

  A time you got up very early 早起的经历

  A good personality you have 好性格

  A subject you like? / want to take if you have time 科目

  Something you learned from mistakes 教训

  A method that helps save money 省钱的方法

  An occasion when you ate something for the first time 第一次吃某物的经历

  A time you shared something with others 分享

  Your favorite season/time of a year

  An interesting person in your local news 有趣的人

  四、雅思口语 Part 2高频重点☞☞☞《搞定雅思口语Part 2技巧之抓住“一分钟”》

  A happy childhood event 童年快乐活动

  The first time you talked with someone in a foreign language第一次用外语交流

  A person who apologized to you 道歉的人

  A person who travels by air a lot 乘飞机的人

  A friend / best friend 好友

  An old person who you admire 钦佩的老人

  An interesting animal you saw 有趣动物

  Place with water 近水之地

  A place that was polluted 污染的地方

  A childhood toy you liked 童年玩具

  A piece of clothing given by someone 衣服

  A photo you like most 最喜欢的照片

  A new skill you want to learn 新技能

  A thing that you borrowed 借的东西

  A photo of yourself 自己的照片

  A photo you like most that someone took for you 别人给照的照片

  Something you bought you felt happy about 买来很开心的产品

  A family you like 家庭

  A goal 目标

  A perfect job 工作

  A sport (you like to try for the first time) (you want to learn)运动

  A sport which is good for people’s health 有助于健康的运动

  An interesting local news people are interested in 当地新闻

  An interesting story from TV 电视上有趣的故事

  An article from a magazine or newspaper 杂志或报纸的文章

  A difficult choice you made 艰难决定

  A plan changed by weather 天气改变计划

  A time you helped someone 帮助

  A special vacation you like most 最喜欢的特别假期

  A short holiday 短假

  A dinner you had with your friends / you organized 一顿饭

  A special short trip 特别的短途旅行

  An interesting story or novel 有趣故事或小说


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