小编: 924雅思口语8月预测7月机经
人物类:A child you know、Happy marriage 、A famous person , famous music group or singer
地点类: Natural beauty 、River,lake,sea , A street in your hometown, Historical building
事件类:Family history, Family news、Occasion to be polite、Important event in history, Group activity, A free day, Something difficult you did well, Something made you moved
爱好类:An advertisement, Popular physical exercise in your country、A work of art (such as paint or sculpture)
物品类:Childhood toy 、A vehicle you want to buy
Describe a Childhood toy
You should say:
What the thing was
Who gave it to you
What it’s used for
And explain whether you still have this thing
七月份的考题正如我们所料想的一样,延续了95%的旧题,唯一的一道family history也并没有给考生制造出太多的麻烦,只要考生不要被history 所影响,哪怕讲到上一辈的恋爱史都算正确,
I made a simple kite for my cousin last week. Since I'd never made a kite before, I'd thought it must be tricky. But it turned out that making a kite was actually easy.
I decided on its shape first. You know, I just chose a flat one coz obviously it was the most basic form and could be easily carried around. Then I got a sheet of colored paper and cut out the shape.
My cousin found some thin plastic strips for me. I tied them together with a string, which, apparently, would be the frame of the kite. After that, we made the ‘bridle’, which connected the frame to the control line. Finally, I glued the paper to the frame.
All set. Ready for the ‘maiden flight’.
It flew pretty well. Our hard work paid off.
I have no idea what happened to it later-maybe it got thrown away. My cousin is just an 8-year-old, you know….