小编: 157在托福阅读理解部分,我们处理的语篇分析单位是相对独立的段落,每个段落内容通常情况下实质上都是围绕某几个实体概念之间的关系的描述。 这里的实体概念即具体概念, 更通俗讲是任何有形真正存在的事物,从宇宙空间不发光的流行体/meteoroid 到摩擦地球大气层散发短暂光芒的流星/meteor最后到跌落地球表面的陨石/meteorite, 都是实体概念,而它们三者之间刚好形成了某种关系。托福阅读理解往往也正是某些实体概念之间特定关系的展述, 而出于考试难度的要求,这些关系往往又用令人生畏的高质量语言包装而成一个个长难句最终垒砌成我们的段落。 大多数情况下,假设段落或句子中每一个单词我们都晓其意或者至少主要单词的意思我们可以识别,句式框架也明晰熟练的情况下,我们就可以突破语言的阻碍探清实体概念之间的关系,段落后的问题便可以迎刃而解,并且不论是排出错误选项还是选定某个正确选项,对于实体概念之间的关系的确定可以让我们在任何情况下都能完全确认自己的选择。 因为“实体概念”不存在任何的真伪值鉴别,语言所叙述的“关系”从哲学意义上来讲也是“客观的联系”, 是“不以人的意志为转移的”。 在用托福真题进行具体分析之前,我们可以通过课外的语言句子和段落对这里所探讨的技巧先做浅入深出的示范。
下面是从我个人觉得最有趣的书, 由法国动物行为学家法布尔所著的《昆虫记》的其中一个中文译本中摘录的句子和段落片段:
1. “雌碟通过散发人类无法感知的独特气味可以引诱数百里之外的雄蝶纷至沓来”
2. “我们先来看看萤火虫以什么为生吧。萤火虫看上去既小又弱,像是与他人无害,可它
Female B Male B
Glowworm Snail
Predator & Prey
Breathing During Sleep
Not only are there differences in the level of the functioning of respiratory systems, there are even changes in how they function. Movements of the rib cage for breathing are reduced during sleep, making the contractions of the diaphragm more important. Yet because of the physics of lying down, the stomach applies weight against the diaphragm and makes it more difficult for the diaphragm to do its job. However, there are many other changes that affect respiration when asleep.
TPO24 Breathing During Sleep
Entity/ 实体概念 |
Relationship/关系 | |
S1 | Of all the physiological differences in human sleep compared with wakefulness that have been discovered in the last decade, changes in respiratory control are most dramatic. | respiratory control |
S2 | Movements of the rib cage for breathing are reduced during sleep, making the contractions of the diaphragm more important. | rib cage
the diaphragm | rib cage 活动减少,从而突显the diaphragm收缩的重要性 |
S3 | Yet because of the physics of lying down, the stomach applies weight against the diaphragm and makes it more difficult for the diaphragm to do its job. | the stomach
the diaphragm | The stomach 创造阻力阻碍the diaphragm功能的运行 |
S4 | However, there are many other changes that affect respiration when asleep.
| respiration |
上面是我们在阅读段落时对句子中涉及两个不同实体概念关系的分析,注意有些句子比如S1,S4可能是就某个单独实体概念性状的描述或者与该实体概念所牵涉的另一个概念比较抽象,如S1, S4中都涉及changes, 这类的句子往往理解起来比较简单,在这里不在我们的主要分析范围类。下面我们来用同样找实体概念和关系的方法分析选项:
According to paragraph 1, which of the following can be inferred about the diaphragm during sleep?
A) During sleep the diaphragm requires increased movement of the rib cage.
B) The diaphragm helps with breathing as movements of the rib cage decrease during sleep.
C) The diaphragm requires a great amount of pressure to function properly.
D) The diaphragm contributes to the effective functioning of the rib cage.
如果我们对于选项中的实体概念很敏感,我们可以很快理解选项对于所提到的两个实体概念关系的描述,然后我们再和原文作比对,就可以很轻松坚定地进行排出和选定。比如,本题与原文相符的是B, 与S2所谈论的关系一致, rib cage 活动减少,从而突显the diaphragm收缩的重要性。
Geothermal Energy
Earth’s internal heat, fueled by radioactivity, provides the energy for plate tectonics and continental drift, mountain building, and earthquakes. It can also be harnessed to drive electric generators and heat homes. Geothermal energy becomes available in a practical form when underground heat is transferred by water that is heated as it passes through a subsurface region of hot rocks (a heat reservoir) that may be hundreds or thousands of feet deep. The water is usually naturally occurring groundwater that seeps down along fractures in the rock; less typically, the water is artificially introduced by being pumped down from the surface. The water is brought to the surface, as a liquid or steam, through holes drilled for the purpose.
TPO 21 Geothermal Energy
| Entity/实体概念 | Relationship/关系 | |
S1 |
Earth’s internal heat, fueled by radioactivity, provides the energy for plate tectonics and continental drift, mountain building, and earthquakes. | Earth’s internal heat radioactivity | 地热源自于radioactivity |
S2 | It can also be harnessed to drive electric generators and heat homes. | it=earth’s internal heat electric generators homes | 地热可以用于发电和为屋子提供暖气 |
S3 | Geothermal energy becomes available in a practical form when underground heat is transferred by water that is heated as it passes through a subsurface region of hot rocks (a heat reservoir) that may be hundreds or thousands of feet deep. | underground heat
hot rocks | 传染了地热的岩石把热量传递给流经的水,水便获得了原本不可直接利用的地热 |
S4 | The water is usually naturally occurring groundwater that seeps down along fractures in the rock; | the water
fractures | 水在到达地下岩石表面前首先通过岩石断层往下渗透 |
S5 | less typically, the water is artificially introduced by being pumped down from the surface. | the water
the surface
| 或者水被人工从地表注入地下 |
S6 | The water is brought to the surface, as a liquid or steam, through holes drilled for the purpose. | the water the surface liquid steam holes | 获得了地热的水最后通过专门钻的洞口以液体或蒸汽的形式被带到地表 |
According to the processes described in paragraph 1, what is the relationship between radioactivity and the steam produced by geothermal heat?
A) Geothermally heated steam is produced when water is exposed to radioactivity deep underground.
B) When water is introduced into holes drilled thousands of feet in the ground, it becomes radioactive and turns to steam.
C) Radioactivity heats Earth’s interior rock, which in turn can heat water to the point it becomes steam.
D) When a reservoir of steam in subsurface rock is produced by radioactivity, it is said to be geothermally heated.
先看问题问的是radioactivity 与the steam之间的关系,我们会发现在段落中前者出现在第一行,而后者出现在段落结尾处,两个实体概念之间语言之间的距离好像很大,两者怎么会有关系呢?通过把我们刚才对段落各个句子的实体概念之间关系综合联系起来, 会发现全段落涉及的实体概念彼此间都是有联系的,只是这个联系之间可能要先跨越另一个联系,比如现在这个段落的关系示意图可以表示为如下:
liquid &steam
hot rocks
Earth’s internal heat
通过这个示意图,我们可以发现问题所问到的看似不搭边的radioactivity 与steam之间的关系是radioactivity创造了地热,地热被hot rocks吸收,再被流经岩石表面的water吸附,变热的water最终穿过人为打造的holes以liquid或steam的形式被获得到地表最终使得地热被人利用。根据这个关系,我们可以坚定地选择选项C.
以上就是通过对托福阅读段落中的实体概念及其之间的关系来把握和理解语言所对应的实质性画面,我们平时需要多加培养对实体概念的敏感度,以及对关系的正确理解能力的训练, 而这里必须强调的是关系的理解往往需要我们突破语言的障碍才可以获得,所以在使用这一技巧之前,我们必须也无法避开一个现实,就是我们需要首先建立好托福学习的基础,那就是词汇的掌握和句子语法结构的分析理解能力。在我自己的平时练习中,我发现可以运用这一技巧的情况往往让我获得对自己选项的无比确信感,这种自我确认的感觉正是阅读理解最佳的状态体现。此外,我觉得这一方法还可以扩展到托福考试的其他部分比如听力。
夏志辉 北美托福