小编: 19037,8月份深圳地区口语考题详解
穿过夏天的尾巴上,看着一张张天真的脸,积极地等待,追逐着人生的转折点。这个夏天格外漫长,似乎是那样的遥遥无期。秋分都过去了,天气还是很热,空气炎热得令人窒息,如同七月的盛夏。人们额角的汗水不时地渗出。穿行在这热浪滚滚空气中。 好不容易盼来的暑假却又不得不为准备雅思而拼搏奋斗,而且有很多高中生是刚刚结束高考,就乘热打铁转战另一项也是十分艰巨的考试。不过邻人欣慰的是辛苦的学习换来的是一张张傲人的成绩单。下面我就对我们这个高峰阶段的雅思考试做一个收尾工作。
1. People
Describe a walk with a friend (that you remember)
Describe a person who leads a healthy life (new)
Describe an oldest person you know who you admire (who you like + respect
Describe a person you believe who is with an adventurous spirit leisure center in your area
Describe a child you know
Describe a person in the news you want to meet
Describe a neighbor
Describe a character in your childhood (story)(new)
Describe one (you or your friends’) personality you believe it is important
Describe a person who is with leadership and you worked with before
2. Place
Describe an ideal house or flat that you like. (Not your own home)
Describe a building in the college or university that you attended
Describe a place or Restaurant you like where you often have lunch.
Describe one of your favorite shops.
Describe a room you had stayed for most the time in your childhood
Describe a place or leisure centre you often go to relax yourself
Describe a garden/park you have been to
Describe a public building
Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in.
Describe a place where you would go in the free time off work or college.(new)
Describe a street (in your hometown)you liked to go most
Describe a place when you are off
3. Event
Describe a time when you helped someone or someone helped you
Describe a good thing (life-style,hobbies)that can improve your heath.
Describe a (useful) skill you recently learned (for example, driving a car or cooking).
Describe an enjoyable public event that you went to (such as a music event,carnival, sports event or religious event).
Describe a journey more time than you'd expected
Describe an enjoyable conversation by mobile phone.
Describe a wedding you attended
Describe a time (or experience) you got angry
Describe a Happy event you remember in your childhood
Describe a visit you pay to a family member or friend
Describe one thing you would do when a day off;
Describe an interesting or unusual activity you did in free time
Describe a job you think can make a better society?
Describe an organization (such as a company, a factory, a government organization or a student organization at school) which is small yet successful
4. Like
Describe a educational program on TV that you would like to enjoy。
Describe a piece of advertisement that help you buy something
Describe a photograph or family photo that you like
Describe a book you recently read that you would like to read again.
Describe a foreign film you have seen recently
Describe one of your favorite songs (in your childhood).
Describe A song reminds you of a particular time in your life
5. Object
Describe something(transport) you want to buy in the future
Describe an expensive thing you saved money to buy
Describe clothes you would like to wear. (For special occasion)