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学会GPS定位 玩转雅思阅读



小编:长安 524



  先来了解"定位词":哪些词可以作为定位词,来帮助我们定位原文答案。这里提出"GPS"定位,分别代表了3类定位词(G:general-普通的名词;P:particular -特殊的名词 S:symbols-数字符号 )。


  首先,GPS内的"s"-数字符号 -是最显眼和最好找的词,所以如果题目中有这些词,那么这道题可以快速定位出来,例如:雅思真题C5T1P1:

  题目:Johnson did not have a 5 ......... available to him, but eventually produced definitions of in excess of 40,000 words.)可以去原文中找数字符号(40.000),从而确定这道题的答案范围。

  原文:The work was immense; filling about eighty large notebooks (and without a library to hand), Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words, and illustrated their many meanings with some 114,000 quotations drawn from English writing on every subject, from the Elizabethans to his own time.


  其次,如果没有这么显眼的数字符号的话,GPS内的"p"-特殊的名词(专有名词 和有特殊标点符号的名词)-也可以帮助快速定位。例如:真题C5T2P2

  题目:Current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle's view on the subject.中的Aristotle 人名大写。(注意区分句子开头的大写情况:current中文意思"现在的",形容词,本身不大写)

  原文:But most modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle's belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either a nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning.

  带有特殊的标点符号的名词也是同理。例如:雅思真题 C7T3P1

  题目:6.The essay, 'In the company of ants', explores ant communication.)可以去原文中找'In the company of ants',因为有特殊的标点符号(""),表示文章的标题名,不会改动。

  原文:During the course of this exhaustive study, Reznikova has grown so attached to her laboratory ants that she feels she knows them as individuals - even without the paint spots used to mark them. It's no surprise that Edward Wilson, in his essay, 'In the company of ants', advises readers who ask what to do with the ants in their kitchen to: 'Watch where you step. Be careful of little lives.'


  但是因为普通名词太过普通,经常会出现改动的情况,或者在文章中不太突出,所以需要多多益善,有几个普通名词就划几个。例如:雅思真题 C5T1P1

  题目:Having rented a garret, he took on a number of 4..................... , who stood at a long central desk. (garret和desk同时用作定位)

  原文:James Boswell, his biographer, described the garret where Johnson worked as 'fitted up like a counting house' with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up.


  第一:重复出现的"定位词"要退居二线,因为不能够精准定位。例如雅思真题 C10T2P1:

  8.China's transport system was not suitable for industry in the 18th century.

  9.Tea and beer helped to prevent dysentery in Britain.

  10.Roy Porter disagrees with Professor Macfarlane's findings.

  11.After 1740, there was a reduction in population in Britain.

  12.People in Britain used to make beer at home.

  13.The tax on malt indirectly caused a rise in the death rate.

  Britain,这个词在题目中重复多次,可想而知在原文中也是多处都有,因此找Britain可以找到多处,而且不能确定具体是哪一题的答案范围,所以退居二线,再在题目中各自找一个主要的定位词。第9题可以用dysentery 再次确定答案范围;第11题可以用population确定答案范围;第12题可以用beer at home确定答案范围。


  雅思阅读考试中会出现少量无定位词的题(即题目中的每个单词都是改动过的,原文通篇找不到原词。对于词汇量薄弱的考生来说,会有一定的难度。)但是只要平时养成"标记题号"的习惯,这类题难度会降低很多。因为这类题更多的会出现在按照顺序出题的题型中,找不到的话,把前面一题和后面一题找出来,中间就是该题的答案范围。例如:雅思真题C10T4P1 The Megafires of California

  题目:10.California has replaced a range of firefighting tools.(这道题,很多学生会因为定位不到原文而放弃,California文章标题,原文随处可见,定位不准)


  9.Personnel in the past have been criticised for mishandling fire containment.

  11.More firefighters have been hired to improve fire-fighting capacity.


  原文:Stung in the past by criticism of bungling that allowed fires to spread when they might have been contained, personnel are meeting the peculiar challenges of neighborhood - and canyon- hopping fires better than previously, observers say.(第9题答案)

  State promises to provide more up-to-date engines, planes, and helicopters to fight fires have been fulfilled. Firefighters' unions that in the past complained of dilapidated equipment, old fire engines, and insufficient blueprints for fire safety are now praising the state's commitment, noting that funding for firefighting has increased, despite huge cuts in many other programs.(第11题答案)

  雅思真题:10.California has replaced a range of firefighting tools.

  第10题的答案在两者之间,只有一句话:State promises to provide more up-to-date engines, planes, and helicopters to fight fires have been fulfilled.

  California 是state的改写;has replaced是promises to provide more up-to-date have been fulfilled的改写;firefighting tools是engines, planes, and helicopters to fight fires的改写。(原文句子经过了每个单词的改写,形成了题目,所以无定位词)


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